
Enhance your Developer Experience

Enable your team with Static Analysis Intelligence, keep track of your project’s health and progress!

Contact Us

Monitoring Dashboard

See code health metrics and trends derived from your tools reports.

Recom­mendation Engine

Improve your code analysis & coverage with our dynamic configurations.

Incremental Code Policy

Avoid code delivery disruption by introducing & enabling rules progressively.

Personnalized Support

Get in touch for 1-1 meetings to design the best fitting strategy for your project.

Providers Highlights

Unified Static Analysis

We support javascript linters & typecheckers, by ingesting their reports our plateform provides a new layer of static analysis intelligence.

Eslint Reports

Typescript Coverage

Biome Diagnostics

Linotte Intelligence

  • Analytics & Monitoring
  • Recommendations
  • Code Coverage
  • Dynamic Configuration (incremental rule adoption)